Genre: Drama / Sci-Fi / Western Directed and written by: Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy Nolan Produced by: J.J Abrams, Jonathan Nolan and Jerry Weintraub Starring: Evan Rachel Wood, Anthony Hopkins, James Marsden Synopsis: Inspired by the 1973 film ' Westworld ' the plot revolves around a futuristic theme park populated by artificial human beings. Westworld has been greatly anticipated and this was more than evident as it became HBO's most popular debut since True Detective in 2014. It drew a total of 3.3 million viewers across both cable and digital platforms on the 2nd of October, tying with True Detective . From the trailer to my actual viewing of the episode I can safely say that this is one of the most intriguing and thought provoking series to bless our televisions to date. From the quirky characters to the mesmerizing cinematography you won't be disappointed from this hour long debut. Eve...